Friday, January 22, 2010


I love to drive. I love to take a random drive. I don't do it often because I have to be in a special mood, but also it's too expensive to just drive a lot. But that's what makes drives so special... they are random and few.

So what are the qualifications to a good drive? Well, I have to be able to have my window down and sunroof open. Today was quite beautiful, so this was a good opportunity. But the next qualification for a good drive is feel good music. What did today's music consist of? First, I started with Ingrid Michaelson. Her most uplifting sounding songs are actually quite sad, but her lyrics are absolutely beautiful and that's what gets me. Even though this song is about broken hearts, it's so honest and so hopeful sounding. One song I listened to twice in a row is called Be Ok. She sings "Open me up and you will see I'm a gallery of broken hearts. I'm beyond repair, let me be and give me back my broken heart." I like the first half of that because I think just about anyone could say they are a gallery of broken hearts. I have had my heart broken by friends, guys, people I don't know, tragedy, loss, all of the above. But then the next part of that song bugs me.. because I don't think I am-nor is anyone- beyond repair. Luckily I have experienced repairing and healing when it comes to these broken hearts. So, she has that part wrong =)

So the other song I landed on is a song called Til I See You by Hillsong United. The words are very powerful. I feel that it is a song of complete admiration of our God. "The greatest love that anyone could ever know overcame the cross and grave to find my soul. Til I see you face to face grace amazing takes me home, I'll trust in you." It just reminds me that God has overcome so much for me and will continue to help me overcome what happens in my life. I have never been given a reason not to trust God. Bad things have happened in my life. I have gone through things I know I could live without. But you know what? I trust God. I trust that everything I have ever heard, seen, or done will help me further his kingdom. It's hard to accept, but I have seen too many bad situations be used for good to believe that my God is not in control and is not looking out for his children. Til I see him face to face grace amazing takes me home and I trust in him.

I don't know what it is about the windows down and sunroof opened with a song that makes my heart happy, but it's a wonderful thing. This a tiny, little thing that truly makes my day better.