I really do wish I could apply to be RA, but I think it best if I don't. I am more interested in taking my involvement at College Heights to a new level. I would rather focus on that ministry... Those high school girls probably need more time from me than I would be able to give if I had to be here for my floor as well. While I think I could possibly handle this, I don't think it would be what is best for our floor. I really want this decision to be made based on the floor and not myself.
I would really love to lead a freshman small group, but a couple of the requirements would not fit in with what is best for my life next year.. an extra class that would cause me to rearrange my work schedule, and a recommended limit on how many hours I take... no thanks. I would love to, but once again, the small group I will be leading come May deserves my full attention.
I realized with my tax refund being more than $20 this year I could maybe afford to buy a digital camera. But then it hit me-- OH. By the end of July I have to drop $250 if I want insurance on my computer. So there goes my new digital camera, here comes $250 on something I hope I need. This is the first time I have wished that my computer would break. Gotta put that 250 to use.
School is going to end soon and that's weird. I'll be a junior. I am almost halfway done with college.. or at least at this level. It's so weird to me that I have no idea where I am going or what I will be doing after graduation. I hope I have clearer plans by this time next year. But who even knows. That's the crummy part of letting someone else have control of my plans. But the great part is at least I know He is making the right choices for me!