Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Break is coming to an end. What an unfortunate thing!

At one point, I was so eager to use my entire summer to do something By do something, I mean go somewhere... not be at home. But that is no longer the case. I am so eager to come back and work and just rest. I realize that the school year makes me so tired... summer is for a reason. This year, I have chosen to work, go to Cambodia, and work some more. I will also have the opportunity to go to church camp with College Heights... that will be weird. I have only been to two church camps in my entire life. Both are dear to my heart... but here is to a new one! Not to mention the fact that Tyler and I will be at camp together once again... crazy how things can end up!

Tyler and I spent the entire break together... people have made comments of how this is something significant. Believe it or not, I wanted nothing more than to spend the whole week with him. I will get a whole summer without him. That's enough time away.

I realized something weird today. A family friend mentioned to me that I am an adult... I got to thinking about how I can't picture living somewhere else. I can picture living at school of course, but I can't picture having my own apartment... or living with people other than my parents. I can't imagine not coming home for a summer, or moving on to a different place after graduation, yet it is what I want. I hate having this desire for something I can't even picture.

I can't picture Cambodia, or Rapha House, or the Kids Club or the faces of the girls I am going to meet. I can't picture moving out of my dorm room someday and into another home- my new home. I can't imagine being out of driving distance from Owasso. It's unfathomable... But in reference to unfathomable Heaven is- I think the best things are the one we can't picture.

That sure makes life a little more exciting.

1 comment:

pam curran said...

who said that you get to move out of our house??!! I think that you've been misled... ;)
love you!