Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Well the semester has begun! This excites me a lot...mostly because I am ready to get this semester done and have summer again...only for the warm weather. If it would just warm up I would handle going to class a lot better... oh well. That is life.

I have a very good semester as far as classes go. I think it will be the best yet. I am in a women's preaching class (okay, I am NOT excited about that) Philosophy, Intro to Counseling, Issues in Interpretation, and Ministering to Women in Crisis...each of which have proven to be good so far. Not to mention the week I spent in Creation Science. I can't say that I miss sitting in that class for 7 hours.

Some exciting things happen at the end of this semester. It's hard not to just look forward to that and forget about now. My roommate will be getting married, for once I will live in Joplin for awhile and NOT be in school, I will go to Cambodia, spend time with my parents in Florida, and move back home again (maybe even for the last time). I am really excited about each of these things. Not to mention scared...just for Cambodia.

First of all, how do you raise $2700 in this economic crisis. I almost feel bad asking people to support me beyond prayers, but then I remember the girls who are living in Cambodia and have been sold to do horrific work all so someone else can have the money and I quickly remember how it is okay for me to ask people to give during this time so I can go and help show these girls the hope they can only find in Christ. It's all worth it to feel a little awkward. It's worth it to eat asian food for two weeks (incase you don't know me very well, I am super picky..and don't like ehtnic foods AT ALL...this is a big stretch). It's worth it to give up two weeks that I could be working and saving money for school, knowing that my time is going to girls who once thought they were only worth what someone could pay for them to have sex... That's worth it. I am so excited about this trip. I don't take risks, I don't put myself in situations that I don't know exactly how the outcome looks... I just don't. But that's a way I have been changing over the past few months.

This semester is going to be good. This coming summer is going to be good. Tomorrow will be good. I can't forget to look at now while I plan for the future.

So many things are really great in life. This school year has been the best yet.

1 comment:

My Dear Gs... said...

I don't think I've told you lately, but I am SO unbelievably proud of you! I had tears in my eyes as I read your letter and thought about all the amazing things God is going to teach you in Cambodia and how you going there will help others, too. I think you're awesome!