Sunday, August 15, 2010

Random Life Observations

1. I don't like being away from Tyler. I like being in Owasso, but I really like Tyler too. Hm. It's sad.

2. My hair has not been this long since 9th grade. That was around 6-7 years ago... I am not used to this. And I just want short hair that doesn't end up in a ponytail at the end of every day... Okay. But ask me tomorrow and I will probably tell you I love long hair.

3. My niece is more than hilarious. She's just so precious. Today she was saying "buh-bye" (she was pretending to go to church) and she decided that she didn't want to hug, but she should shake our hands. So she went from grandma to grandpa to aunt Abigail shaking hands and saying "buh-bye". Oh goodness.

4. It's amazing how many times I have been asked if I am pregnant in the last two months. Not because I look pregnant, simply because I am married now. The answer is NO and no time soon thank you very much. Lydia is taking care of the need for a baby to be on the way.

5. I really like being married to Tyler. It's great!! But it's awkward when people say "how is married life" because I say "Great!!" and then don't really know what to say... And I think that people expect me to gush on and on and I don't really know where to start.

6. I wish Tyler and I could work part-time forever and make enough money... It's really great how much time we get to spend together. But I guess that has to end sometime...

Okay. I think those are all of my observations right now!

1 comment:

julie said...

Ha! get used to the pregnant thing. Every flu bug and craving will be noted by everyone and will get them asking questions... Don't worry, I'm an advocate for waiting on the whole baby thing. :) I won't pester you. :)