Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What to say...

I hardly have any words to describe everything I have felt for the past week, and more specifically the last three days. A friend of mine lost her husband last week. Then I celebrated graduating from college. Then the town I have called home for the past 4 years was leveled by several vortexes... All either EF4 or EF5 tornados. I am not one who has lived a life without tragedy. But every tragedy is different. This is one I never prepared myself for.

Obviously, Tyler and I are great. Our apartment was not touched. We saw some hail and rain and some wind but that's it. We kept hearing from friends and family in Oklahoma before we were even seeing anything on the news. All we knew was that a tornado hit and we knew the location but we had to get in our info elsewhere. It was a crazy night. It has been hard to rely on social media to know what is going on. But we are okay.

I've seen things I never thought I would see. And trust me, I have already seen a lot. But to see your town in utter devestation is hard to explain. It is also really weird to be scared by storms. I have lived my whole life in tornado alley. I can only recall two, maybe three times in my life that I actually took cover during threatening weather. Last night, we went across town to a basement. I can say that we are all shaken up- no matter how far we were from the tornado. The lightest wind and roll of thunder is a threat to us now. It's a scary feeling.

Thank you for praying and don't stop. 750 people are still missing. Obviously over 120 people are dead. Too many friends of mine have lost everything. Pray, pray, pray. Don't stop.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

We are so thankful you guys are okay and that we have a small ability to help in some way. I was just telling someone tonight how last night was the first time I ever remember actually being scared because of a tornado. We will keep praying for you and all of the people of Joplin!