Sunday, June 5, 2011

Finally Summer!

Summer started two weeks ago for me. But the first week of summer just didn't feel like summer. I spent almost every moment on edge for the next storm, sitting in front of our TV hanging on to every word the news stations would say to me, and crying a lot over what has been lost.

This week I started to finally feel the joy of my favorite time of year. The summer heat and humidity of this area is a wonderful feeling. Finally being able to wear summer clothes and use the heat as an excuse to eat ice cream everyday has released me from some of the anxiety I have been feeling over the past couple of months.

I am finally able to relax and focus on getting on track again. School is so consuming that so many things fall by the wayside- most importantly fun reading! I have finally been able to sit and read books that I picked out and will not have to write a report over or test over. Books that will benefit specific issues within myself that need molding into something better. In this first glorious week of summer, I have already come to many conclusions that I lost sight of during the school year.

Our life is not exactly what we had hoped for a year ago. God hasn't just given us an easy sign of where we are going and what we are doing. We both have part time jobs which means two things: not a lot of income and a ton of free time. I have been greatly enjoying all of the time I get to spend with Tyler right now. It's a blessing for sure.

But I definitely feel more excited about our unknown future. While it would be so awesome to know what God is doing right now, we know we have to continue to wait. Something about this made me excited again... excited that at this moment in time, God could take us anywhere to do anything. My God doesn't have limits- and we have put ourselves at his mercy. It's exciting to know that he is doing something (even though we have no idea what), and whatever he is doing is going to allow us to serve him wholeheartedly. It's scary to not have a full time job or know when our financial situation will get better... but as we have been saying for months: God has never abandoned us or not provided for us. He has continued to do so through this very moment and will continue to do so. Until then, we will prepare for God's awesome plan that he has for us.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

1. I love you both 2. I know God will reveal his plan just as soon as it is time 3. I want to eat ice cream every day with you 4. When do we get to see you again?