Monday, November 3, 2008

No answer??

Oh boy, what an interesting couple of days...from burning poptarts/filling my house with smoke, blowing a tire half way between Joplin-Owasso, and bad news on two different fronts. Sometimes I just feel like I need really good news to help me keep on goin and not dwell on the negative... but I am still waiting for that.

Something I have been thinking about is having all the answers. This is something I do not do well with. I need a plan! Without a plan, I do not know what is going to happen and in my mind that always looks negative. I like to be prepared. I like others to be prepared. I like others to be prompt because I am prompt. But there was a challenge in this area for me while I was in New York City..and we will get there in a minute.

We had about 6 different speakers through the whole weekend. I learned so much from each person. You would not assume to gain so much from each speaker but Dave sure did know how to pick them. Each person had been through so many different leadership situations. I had no idea the great company I would be sitting with. My particular favorite speaker from the weekend was a woman by the name Resa Storms. She and her husband Brent live in the city with their three kids. That's enough to impress me from the beginning! Three small kids in New York City? Hats off to the Storms family.

Resa had the most effective way of speaking for me. She went through each piece of advice along with a story of how she either made that mistake or avoided that mistake. One thing she told us was that we are not always going to have the answers. In a leadership role, people will ask questions all the time and I may not have all the answers. This is such an issue for me!

I am not comfortable without a plan. But life is not about me being comfortable...I mean, I shouldn't be. But I just like to know what to prepare for. I hate being unprepared. I hate feeling pressure. Anyway.

I guess we can't always be prepared...boy have I learned that three times in the past two days...

On the bright side, I have three, possibly four days dedicated to homework. This may sound like a drag but it actually sounds WONDERFUL to me! Getting things done is not common... I need the time.

Have a good day!


My Dear Gs... said...

Did I ever tell you that I blew a tire on the interstate a few weeks ago? Not much fun...but so glad that I didn't get in a wreck or roll the car because of it. Glad you are ok!!

pam curran said...

First of all...I've read this like four different times...always wanting to comment but haven't yet, obviously. Secondly...I can't believe that you are planner type person fun!! are soooo cool, your profile statement already lets us know that you have a great handle on this whole plan thing... "you are surrounded by women that are striving to do what God has planned for them"...(my loose translation...). once are very cool!