Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It's all about the timing.

First, I just have to say that Kris Allen is quite amazing. I actually voted for the first time since Kelly. I have never wanted a person to win American Idol so bad. But I have also never wanted a person to NOT win so bad. (David Archuleta is close in who I wanted not to win, but I think I could have handled that okay...)

I just think that when a white guy from Arkansas sings a Kanye West song and like makes me LOVE a Kanye West song(a song that I previously hated)...he means business.

Anyway, more important things.

I am thankful for new beginnings and transitions. The transitioning of life is refreshing and a reminder that God's plans are what is right. I am just thankful for his timing.

Cambodia is nearing..but there's a lot before. I started working today. I don't love this job but it is great money. So I can't complain. Not to mention working with my sister is AWESOME! It's great to get tips again...I love taking money home everyday =)!

Saying goodbye yesterday was way hard. I cried a lot on Sunday night, a lot on Monday morning... so many tears. I hate leaving when things are just great. I didn't get to see Kara yesterday but as I drove away, all I could think about was leaving my two best friends. I haven't ever had a friend like Kara. I hate that our lives have to change so drastically to where we aren't even in the same place anymore... but soon we will be. I can't wait to go celebrate the most awesome party of her life with her. I am SO excited to be with her on that day.

I just can't thank God enough for his divine timing and the way that he shows us his love by timing things his own way. I am thankful he doesn't listen to me. I couldn't have pictured a better time.

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