Wednesday, June 3, 2009

4 days!

I have been trying to pack for days. But it just seems like nothing is ever ready to go. It's weird for me because I love packing. I love organize. I love making lists, and crossing things off! But I can't seem to find the desire to put the stuff in my bag.

So basically there are three initial things I worry about a lot concerning my trip to Cambodia.

1. Food. I am WAY picky when it comes to food. I don't even like Asian food... not at all. I have been told that at most meals I should be able to just have some rice and not a lot more. I can handle that... I like rice. My biggest fear about it is weird meat. I have this issue of if I don't like it, I don't eat it, and not eating leads my lovely head to a migraine. So let's just hope I will be brave and eat whatever is set in front of me!

2. I don't know anyone going. I am going alone. Okay, not alone, but not with anyone I know. I am not independent, I don't like to do things on my own. Why did I choose to go again? Oh well. I know that I have things in common with others going, like loving Jesus and stuff. That's a good thing to have in common with people I am traveling to Asia with!

3. LONNNGG plane ride. That totally scares me. Not because I think we are going to crash. That's not really on my mind. I am just worried about being claustrophobic and once again having a migraine. I also really hate using the rest room on planes. Ugh. Again, the question pops in my head, why am I going???

I was actually asked why I decided to go while I was at work today. I didn't have a terribly great answer. I just explained that sex trafficking is a terrible thing and that I want to do what I can to help the young girls that are forced into such a terrible trade. He told me it takes a special person to do that. I have confidence that God has been preparing my heart... and will be up until the very moment I leave.

I am also nervous about saying the wrong things. As I think about the girls and how sometimes they are sold by family members, people they love and trust, husbands, aunts, uncles... I hope I can be sensitive to the fact that their view of family and friends and trust and love and even their view of life is going to be far different from my view. I live with a loving family who would never sell me to meet their financial needs. I have friends who would not trick me for the purpose of selling me. I will have a husband who will marry me to share life with me, not so it's easier to sell me. But they don't have that. Someday they may be able to have family, friends, and love the way I will. But right now they don't. I hope I can be sensitive to that and say the right things. More importantly, hopefully I won't say the wrong things.

Well, I think that concludes my final blog before I go. Please pray for all of the things I have mentioned. Also, I will leave a link to the website that will have trip updates throughout. I don't really know how often it will happen, but in case you care, here it is!

You should be able to find updates on there. I have no idea who will do it or when, but it will happen.

Please remember me for the next two weeks...and remember the 19 others I will travel with... and the kids at the Kids Club and young ladies of Rapha House as I share my love for Jesus with them. It's going to be an adventure!

1 comment:

My Dear Gs... said...

A) You are going because God called you to go and you listened. This is good!

B) You will not say the wrong thing. God will honor you for obeying him and make sure your words are used in the best possible ways. Don't worry about it!

C). iTouch. Your iTouch will be your best friend on your plane ride and you will survive. And you will make friends with all of the fabulous people on the plane.

D). I think that's the end. We'll be praying for you lots and lots!!!