Wednesday, June 24, 2009

So I currently find myself in Panama City Beach, FL. Quite a big change from Cambodia. I am happy to have a week of this whole reintegrating thing. It's not very easy on a lot of levels. The food is different here and not easy to adjust to, I think my stomach still thinks it should get certain meals at certain times and it doesn't, falling back to sleep is not an option. I am sleeping at a weird time than I have been and so if the slightest noise wakes me up, I stay awake cause my body is confused as to why I am sleeping in the first place.

I would love to share all of the details about my trip but it's really hard to do. The trip was very emotionally tiring. We did not do much physical labor, but mentally and emotionally and spiritually it was tiring. While everything was happening it was not easy to take it all in, so right now I am still processing. I cry a lot. I miss it a lot. I think about where I would be eating breakfast, or where I would be on my way to if I were there and it makes me sad. I didn't think I could like it as much as I did.

But it's just really hard to tell people why it was amazing. It was the best thing in my life, and part of my heart is always going to be in Battambang, Siem Reap, and Phnom Penh. I can tell you the things we did, many stories, and show you pictures of the beautiful people and places that I saw. But I don't think I will truly ever convey why it changed my life. There are two little girls who single handedly changed my life. I wish I could show you their faces, but I can't on here.

I can answer questions and I can tell you stories, but if you just say tell me about your trip, I won't know what to say. I might just cry or something.

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