Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Life is really good. It's really different, but in almost all ways. I guess I will just fill you in on all of the things that take up a normal week of my life.

#1: Youth. I love our youth group, I really really do! They are a fantastic group of kids. There are so many lessons to learn when leading high school students. Trust me, I am learning them. But I am loving it! I have successfully seen my d-group a couple of times which is fantastic as well. They are such a wonderful group of girls. I am so thankful that I get to be in their lives. As the days go on I really feel like they want me to be in their lives. This is great because I have much to give!

#2: Work. So, I have the best job ever! Unfortunately it will only last for a few more weeks. I get to watch two adorable boys all day long two days a week. It pays the bills and I get to play with some awesome kids. Not to mention randomly filling in at the bookstore and babysitting for another wonderful family. I really do love it. I miss my bookstore job though. I look forward to returning in the fall. I have been so blessed. I haven't had a job in about two years that I dreaded going to. I am so thankful for low-stress and fun jobs.

#3: Summer school. It is almost over though! By Friday, I will be done! It's so very exciting. I can't even explain how ready I am to be done with it. I am so thankful I was able to finish 6 more hours of school in just 2 months. One class was only 4 weeks long which is awesome! They have been really good classes, but I am ready for my 3 week summer vacation =)!

#4: Tyler! It's quite crazy how much time we spend together. I guess that's the perk of both of us only working part time. (Although, I am sure you can imagine what the negatives are to that!) We have a nice system of how both of us being part time works and it's working. I love how much time we get to spend together. I can't even imagine both of us working full time. I feel like we will never see each other then! I love it though. Being married is great. We have had such a great summer. I am really glad we got married early in the summer so we could have some time to get used to things and enjoy before school starts. He is a really great husband!

Anyway, that's an update of my life. I am sure there will be more in the next couple of weeks as I have more time, no summer school, and maybe a little more energy!

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