Monday, June 21, 2010

Reflections on marriage

Okay, I don't claim to be a pro at this, but I have a few reflections on marriage after my first week of it.

1. Umm it's awesome.

2. It's so nice not saying goodbye to Tyler and leaving his apartment.

3. It's really awesome when Tyler cooks dinner because I want to watch the Bachelorette.

4. Honeymoons should happen once a year. I guess now they are just called "vacations". This doesn't sound as luxurious but oh well.

5. Tyler makes me laugh even more than when we weren't married!

6. I am generally in a better mood because wedding stress is gone and I get to live with Tyler.

Okay, look for further reflections in the future.


My Dear Gs... said...

Such wisdom for one so young! :-)

amerchantheart said...

I would say that you can have a honeymoon ever year until kids come along! Thats my wisdom!