Thursday, April 15, 2010

My world has been consumed with God. I know that this is how he intended life to be for his followers... but it took me awhile to get there. I have become slightly obsessed with the things that I have greatly disliked in my path... such as waiting, listening, hurting for others... I was shut off to such things for awhile. I took the approach of trying to fit God in to the empty spaces in my life. Now life is about fitting myself in to God's will. I see people and I wonder where their lives will go because they are choosing to try and fit God into their own will. I don't desire that for my own life. God knows way better...

Last night I found myself praying that I could view the world as he does... that each person I see I will see with eyes of love rather than judgment. I even prayed to him that he would take me down the harder path because I am willing. I have no idea what that means, it scares me. But I also know that I have experienced hard things. I have experienced injustice that no person should ever experience. I have experienced heart breaking moments. I know how God has proven faithful and just through those situations. I know how God has changed my heart to reflect his power and glory. I believe that God protects and provides. So as long as he is doing that, I will do what he wants. I also believe that God loves obedience. I believe that when I am obedient, I am following him best. That's all I want for my life.

"I say what I say with no hesitation.
I have what I have, but I'm giving it up.
I do what I do with deep conviction.
Something on the road cut me to the soul..."

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