Thursday, April 1, 2010

Don't just "be moved"-but move.

I'm just going to be honest, the kids in our youth group are awesome.

Last night I had the opportunity to share some stories of my experience in Cambodia. I not only got to share about the hope that Rapha House has brought to so many girls, but I was able to share about the hurt and injustice that floods the streets- especially in the lives of children.

I expected our kids to care because so many of them already have the global mindset that so many Americans don't have. So I knew that they would care. But I was impressed. Several people asked me what books they could be reading to educate themselves, which was the way in which I educated myself. During the worship after my time to share I had several different girls who just wanted to pray... which was an awesome experience for me. I am not generally up in front so it was awesome for girls to really seek me out and just want to pray about the horrible trade that is human trafficking. But also, one of those girls felt a stirring in her heart for her neighborhood. She told me that she knew of so many broken children in her neighborhood and she wanted to do something about it. I was just so excited that God not only used us to open eyes to show of the hurt in Cambodia, but he even revealed to her the hurt in her own neighborhood.

I am so blessed to have been able to share the greatest passion of mine with high school students who want to do something about it!

Last night I was given the reminder that there is just a whole world out there. There are so many people, so many hurts, so many problems, and so much injustice. But what's crazy about those people who are going through horrific things is that they are just like you. They are just like me. They are just like us. Those girls who are trafficked for sex? They are just girls. They are girls just like the girls you know. If you are a girl- they are just like you. Those families who work all day long for literally no wages because they are stuck in modern day slavery? Those are families. Just like yours and mine. They deserve freedom. They deserve the truth that is found only in Christ. They deserve justice.

Tyler had a great quote that has really had me thinking. He encouraged the youth group that if God was moving in them last night to not just "be moved" but to move. I'm going to start moving.

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