Monday, March 29, 2010

Lately, the most comforting thought I have had is that God is God. I remind myself that no matter what is going on in my life, the King is still on His throne. He still watches over me. He is guiding me. He is with me. He is still in control of this whole universe. Whether or not I understand what's going on or I understand why things happen-God is still God. He is still creator and comforter. I may not always understand what he is doing, but luckily, I have faith that he is doing what's best for me. I have faith that his love for me remains at the end of every day and because of that- I will be okay.

"If I'm standing on a mountain or drowning in a sea, if I am filled with hope or crying out for mercy, if I'm singing hallelujah or scared to make a sound, if I'm learning how to walk or when I'm falling down, I am saying that you are still my God."

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